Welcome back to Air Fryer Bro, today I have something very different for you! A research project based on air fryers. The idea is to come up with some useful trends in the air fryer market. Although this is the first time I have ever attempted this, and I am not a statistician by any stretch of the imagination.
With this in mind, I would really appreciate any feedback you may have so that if I decide to do this again in the future I have some pointers on how to improve the data and analysis 🙂
Where Did I Get the Data?
After a lot of thought, it seemed to me that the best place to get a bunch of data on air fryers would be Amazon. There are literally hundreds of air fryers on their platform, and the product information is fairly standardized and detailed. With around 200 air fryers on Amazon, it also seemed like the biggest data set realistically available to me.
I went through every single air fryer for sale at Amazon at the time of writing and extracted what I thought would be some key information to compare.
Throughout this article, I will refer to the bucket air fryer and the oven style air fryer. This is what they look like, in case you don’t know what I am talking about…
Below is a typical example of a bucket style air fryer over at Amazon:
Below is a typical example of an air fryer oven from Amazon:
Before we get on with the results, please be aware that the data used is only accurate on the date of this published article. Think of this as a snapshot in time, using the product data on Amazon.
What Were the Findings?
What is the Average Weight of a Bucket Air Fryer?
The average weight of all of the bucket air fryers on Amazon was 11.3 pounds or just over 5 kilograms. This is about half the weight of the typical microwave or almost exactly the same as a Nutibullet blender. This suggests that bucket air fryers are on the lighter side when compared with other kitchen appliances.
The heaviest bucket air fryer we recorded was just under 25 pounds or 11.3 kilograms. Still around the weight of a regular microwave.
What is the Average Size in Quarts of a Bucket Air Fryer?
The average size of bucket air fryers on Amazon was 4.3 quarts. When bucket air fryers were first on the market, they could barely break the 3 quart mark, but it seems the trend is now for bigger air fryers. The biggest size recorded was 13 quarts, which seems to back this claim up.
What is the Average Wattage of a Bucket Air Fryer?
We discovered from the data that the average bucket air fryer on Amazon had a wattage rating of just over 1400 watts. With the lowest being 800 and the highest being 2225 watts. With a bog standard toaster oven usually coming in at around 1200 watts, this tells me that air fryers are generally energy efficient considering the intense style of cooking they employ.
What is the Average Weight of an Air Fryer Oven?
The average weight of the air fryer ovens we surveyed was around 20 pounds (around 9 kilograms), so almost double the average weight of the bucket style air fryers. The heaviest we recorded was a whopping 60 pounds, so there are clearly some very hefty machines out there!
What is the Average Size in Quarts of an Air Fryer Oven?
The average quart size of the air fryer ovens we looked at was a whopping 12.4 quarts, so pretty much three times bigger than the average bucket style air fryer. With the biggest coming in at a truly massive 26 quarts in size.
What is the Average Wattage of an Air Fryer Oven?
The average wattage of the oven style air fryers we recorded from Amazon was just under 1600 watts. To be honest, I was impressed by this. Even though the average air fryer oven is almost three times the size of the equivalent bucket style, it is merely a few hundreds watts more powerful.
I was expecting a much bigger jump here.
The chart below shows that generally most comparisons between air fryer ovens and bucket style air fryers are very similar, with just the weight and size having a big difference.

How Well Rated are Air Fryers on Amazon?
When talking in general terms, the average rating of both the oven and bucket style air fryers on Amazon was surprisingly similar. For those of you that have been living under a rock, Amazon lets its users rate products no a five star rating system.
The average rating for a bucket style air fryer was just over 4.2 stars, although the lowest rating recorded was a measly one star!
On the other hand, the average oven style rating was almost 4.4, so slightly higher. Add to this that the lowest score recorded was 3.8 stars.
Therefore, it would seem that oven style air fryers are generally slightly more highly rated than bucket style air fryers.
Now we are going to start looking at trends among the different air fryer brands.
Which Air Fryer Brand is Rated Highest by its Customers?
Customer satisfaction is an important consideration for anyone buying an air fryer. I was actually quite surprised that Black and Decker topped this category with an average star rating of 4.7 amongst all of their air fryer models.
Not far behind was Philips, with an average star rating of 4.6 across their whole air fryer range. This doesn’t surprise me, as I have owned a Philips air fryer for many years now and it has never failed me yet!
Philips achievement could be seen as better than that of Black and Decker, ,considering they have a much wider range of models for sale but still manage such a high average score.
When it comes to air fryer brands you should avoid, Crux popped up with an average star rating of 2.8 stars. This is pretty bad by anyone’s standards!
The worst rated air fryer brands also included Power Air Fryer, with a shocking average rating of 3.6 stars. I have long been a critic of this brand, believing that they are mostly propped up by shopping channels such as QVC (well, I see them on there a lot anyway!!).
Another two brands I have avoided in the past also show up here, making me feel somewhat vindicated. Gourmia got a pretty average score of 3.85 stars across all their air fryer models, with GoWise USA not much better at 3.98 stars. The crazy thing is, these two brands still seem to be quite popular! They must have awesome marketing departments.
Which Air Fryer Brand is the Most Power Hungry?
Black and Decker were reviewed very well, but they sure are power hungry as far as air fryers go. They have an average wattage of 1750 amongst their models.
Dash are also up there, with a figure of 1700 watts as their average.
Which Air Fryer Brand is the Least Power Hungry?
When it comes to the least power hungry, I found an interesting correlation here. A lot of the brands that are getting hammered in the reviews are also using the least wattages. This leads me to believe that these may be underpowered, leading to sub par cooking performances. Just a guess on my part!
Crux have an average wattage of 1250, followed by Power Air Fryer at 1281 watts and Gourmia at 1366 watts. Funny that! Also slipping in there are Nuwave, with an average wattage of1300.
Which Air Fryer Brand is the Heaviest?
When looking at who is putting out heavy air fryers, the top score goes to Bella, who have an average weight in pounds of just over 17.
Which Air Fryer Brand is the lightest?
According to our numbers, Ninja have the lightest average weight coming in at 10.03 pounds.
That’s All Folks!
After completing this first attempt at a research project, I realize it is far from perfect. As I said at the start, I would value your feedback to let me know what improvements you would like to see if I did this again.