Welcome back to air fryer bro! Today, we are taking a look at the best air fryer cookbooks to boost your air fryer game. The air fryer is a relatively new kitchen appliance, so a lot of people are looking for the ultimate air fryer bible to help them boost their knowledge (and hopefully their air fried food!). Finding your air fryer bible is a subjective thing, as everyone has different opinions on what makes a good or a bad cookbook. We will lay out our ideas here, then I recommend you go take a look for yourself and see what you think!

For the very reason stated above, I am not placing these cookbooks in any particular order. These are simply my personal favourite group of air fryer cookbooks. I invite you to peruse the reviews, and find the top one that suits your particular needs!
Here at Air Fryer Bro, we believe in real and honest advice. As an air fryer user myself, I am sick and tired of seeing people giving top cookbook lists for cookbooks they have never actually seen or used! This list is full of cookbooks we ACTUALLY USED!! Not just reviews copied from Amazon! If you want further evidence of this, I encourage you to click on the links to go and see the full and detailed review for each cookbook!
Just to add (finally) that I am viewing these cookbooks through the Amazon Kindle application. This means that I had to skip a few cookbooks because they had a horrible version on kindle. A prime example of this is the America’s Test Kitchen air fryer cookbook. It might be worth checking out if you are buying a physical version, but on Kindle it is simply awful! I will see if I can check back at a later date to see if they have fixed it!!
Before we start, here is the criteria we are using for the ultimate air fryer bible (I mean cookbook!):
- Must have clear instructions and illustrations.
- Must be a complete resource on air fryers (it’s an air fryer bible after all!)
- Tips and recipes must give good results and be accurate!
- No low quality publications that look like free ebooks!!
1. Every Day Easy Air Fryer: 100 Recipes Bursting with Flavor by U.Pitre
This air fryer cookbook is a hidden gem to me. It is rarely found in top list for air fryer cook books on the internet, but is in fact one of my favorites.
The author (Urvashi Pitre) is originally from India, but has been in America now for over 30 years. She has kind of grown into the role of being an air fryer and pressure cooker guru! Urvashi has has produced several cookbooks on the subject, all of which have proved pretty popular! (on the whole).

For such a small publisher, I was very happy with the Kindle version of the cookbook (something some of the larger publishers could learn a thing or two from!!). The cookbook if well organized and designed. Includes great photos and clear instructions. The recipes include all the details you would expect, such as dietary requirements.
As the author has Indian heritage, there are a number of recipes that are inspired by Indian food. This isn’t a bad thing for me, as I love Indian food! But, they don’t dominate the cookbook, and you can find a lot of other recipes from all across the world.
What I like about this cookbook too, is the fact that Urvashi gives down to earth and honest advice. She is realistic about the application and results to expect from a typical air fryer. There is no sales pitch or over exaggeration about what an air fryer is capable of.
This cookbook does have a pretty good introduction to air fryers within it. This would be a great starting point for most people new to air fryers. However, I wouldn’t call this section the ultimate resource!
All in all, this is one of the air fryer cookbooks I find myself pulling out a lot! You can check out my full and detailed review HERE.
2. Air Fry Everything by The Blue Jean Chef
Next up is an air fryer cookbook from the Blue Jean Chef that has the full title of “Air Fry Everything: Foolproof Recipes for Fried Favorites and Easy Fresh Ideas.”
Who is the Blue Jean Chef? Well it is a lovely lady named Meredith Laurence, who has made her name mostly demonstrating air fryers on QVC (a TV shopping channel if you have been living under a rock).

This cookbook has some unique features, which are great. Firstly it tries to help people convert traditional oven recipes into air fryer friendly recipes. It is also slightly longer than most other air fryer cookbooks I have had the pleasure to use, at around 300 pages. I sheer number of recipes on offer is great, and they have a decent amount of variety too. This cookbook has quite a few dessert recipes, great if you have a sweet tooth.
The cookbook itself is slick and well presented, both in the writing and design departments. Even using the Kindle version, this cookbook looked great. This cookbook also has an excellent amount of beginner advice and tips for new air fryer users. Although, this section could use some sprucing up with diagrams or something!!
There is one minor downside that bumps this cookbook off my absolute top spot for air fryer cookbooks. Occasionally, the air fryer methods used are not to my own taste. If you look at my full review, you can see I was asked to pour marinade over food whilst still in the air fryer! At this point it is nit picking, as all the cookbooks on this list are top quality!
For me, this was not a problem, but others may steer clear of this book as it doesn’t focus very much on light or healthy recipes. Apart from the actual cooking style, there is not much health advice here. That’s fine, as the title of the book doesn’t suggest that it will be healthy in any way!
Finally, this is a great value air fryer cookbook. I paid $8 for the Kindle version, and a physical copy is only around $18 (at the time of writing).
If you want to check out my full written review of Air Fry Everything, click HERE.
3. Air Fryer Delights by Teresa Finney
This next air fryer cookbook is something a little bit different. It is an air fryer cooker book solely based around baking.

Teresa Finney is a food writer, who has also been known to write a Friends themed cookbook! Yes, you heard me right! A cookbook about Friends (the TV show!).
Unfortunately, this cookbook does do quite a lot of things badly. It doesn’t have any pictures in it whatsoever (certainly not in the Kindle version I tested). The cookbook doesn’t really try to go into any detail with tips and techniques for newbies. Teresa does talk about how you can go about adapting your traditional baking style to air fryers, but it isn’t exactly concise.
However, this book makes it onto my list for one reason. This is the go to cookbook for anyone interested in baking with air fryers. It has a good range of high quality and well thought out recipes based around this. You will not be able to find this with any other air fryer baking based cookbook.
So, although this cookbook is far from perfect, is has still proven to be my go to resource anytime I want to try my hand at baking. Simple as that!
If you want to take a look at my full written review for Air Fryer Delights, please click HERE.
4.Air Fry Every Day by Ben Mims
I have to say this book cookbook really surprised me. It came out of nowhere and became one of my top air fryer cookbook. I almost didn’t buy this cookbook because of some other peoples more negative opinions. I am pleased I ignored them!

This air fryer cookbook is getting close to perfection for me. Air frying is a relatively new trend in cooking, and we have gotten way too many rushed and badly made cookbooks for this genre as a result. Not so here!
Ben Mims is someone with some experience as a cookbook author, having written two previous cookbooks. He also has a background with editing cooking publications.
The high expectations this background gave me going in are (surprisingly) met and maybe even surpassed.
Firstly, this is one of the best looking air fryer cookbooks I have seen. Amazing photography coupled with stunningly formatted recipes. It gives the vibe of a professional magazine, rather than the mish mash put out by the ever increasing group of publishing cowboys out there!!
The air fryer 101 and introduction sections in this cookbook are excellent. They give any air fryer user a pretty solid point of reference for most thing air fryer related.
And finally, the recipes are varied and well written and researched. Every recipe I have tried has come out well. There are cakes, Chinese food and even pizzas included! This is actually one of the shorter air fryer cookbooks I have reviewed, but it still manages to get top marks for recipe variety.
So, as you can probably tell, this book is a definite buy for me. I would highly recommend you try it out if you are in the market for an air fryer cookbook. High quality ones are a dying breed these days!
If you want to read my full review on Air Fry Every Day, please click HERE.
5. The Air Fryer Bible by Susan Laborde
Now let’s turn our attention to the boldly named “Air Fryer Bible”, an air fryer cookbook that will raise everyone’s expectations simple based on the name.

Actually, I really like this air fryer cookbook, but I wouldn’t exactly call it my air fryer bible 🙂
This particular cookbook is made by Susan Laborde, who is the creator of “The Healthy Kitchen Shop”, whatever that is! She also wrote another vegan based air fryer cookbook. Other than this, she is not a celebrity chef or Instagram influencer (which is refreshing!).
This air fryer cookbook is one of the longer ones that I have tried, and it’s main selling point is it’s recipes. It has some really high quality ones, and it has a pretty good mixture of recipes. I even found a scotch egg recipe in here, which impressed me greatly. Having said this, I don’t see a lot of Indian or Chinese food here. It is mostly American and Mexican food you will find.
The presentation and delivery of this cookbook is good without being spectacular. The high point is the amazing photography, something that I feel is essential to any cookbook.
In terms of the information and tips sections of this cookbook, they don’t live up to the “bible” tag, but they do provide some typical information for new air fryer users. There is even a simple buyers guide. However, it is not complete and could have been livened up with some diagrams and/or info graphics in my humble opinion.
If you want to read my full review of The Air Fryer Bible, please click HERE.
That’s all folks!
So, there you have it! Our roundup of the best air fryer cookbooks we have used so far.
Of course, as I try out more air fryer cookbooks I will update this list.
We would also love to hear what your top air fryer cookbooks are, or if you tried any of the air fryer cookbooks mentioned here, how did you like them?