Welcome back to Air Fryer Bro, the place where I lay my years of air fryer knowledge out for anyone that is interested 🙂 Today we are talking about placement! Specifically, air fryer placement! We’ve all been there, right? We excitedly bought our new air fryer and as soon as we get it home we plug it into the closest socket and start cooking! A lot of people forget about the ‘art’ of placing your air fryer. I have seen many accidents and damaged air fryers due to this very thing!
Not for you, though! After reading this article you can call yourself a ‘professional air fryer placer’ ha ha 🙂 If you are interested, read on.

Avoid the Stove
I have seen this so many times it is not even funny. Some people have flat stove tops, whether it be an electric induction type or just one that has a flat lid that closes down over it. Hell, I’ve even seen people put chopping boards over their stoves. What do they do next with this new found flat surface? They place their shiny new air fryer on it!
I can’t tell you how many Facebook group posts I have seen involving melted stoves 🙂 It only takes someone to come along and accidentally turn on the stove and your air fryer will quickly turn into a melty mess of goo 🙂 ‘I only meant to turn the oven on Mom’ is the type of thing you will likely have ringing in your ears! So, trust me, don’t do it. Stoves and air fryers don’t mix!
Let it Vent
A lot of people don’t realise that most air fryers have a vent and that this vent has a lot of incredibly hot air coming out if it! Hot enough to melt anything plastic around it. As with the whole ‘stove thing’ above, I have seen people on air fryer Facebook groups crying over melted sockets. I even saw a negative Amazon review of an air fryer where they blamed the air fryer for melting their sockets! ha ha! So, give your air fryer some space and let it vent in peace.
Use Something Heat Resistant
I wrote a whole article about air fryers cracking counter tops as it is totally a thing that happens. People think that their shiny new kitchen surface should easily withstand the heat of an air fryer and put it straight on there. Trust me, especially if you have an expensive work surface in your kitchen, put some type of heat resistant pad under it!
At least test the heat of the underside of your air fryer after intense cooking to see how hot it gets and whether a pad is required. You would be surprised how hot some air fryer models get under there!
Cable it Out
A loose cable dangling is so tempting, not only for children. It only takes one pull or an accidental bump to send your lovely new air fryer tumbling to the floor. If it is cooking at the time, you may even end up injuring someone nearby. Make sure to properly route the power cable of your air fryer to stop this happening.
Make it Stable
You may be surprised at how hot an air fryer gets when it has been cooking away for a while. It is vital that wherever you place your air fryer, it must be 100% stable. So don’t put it on that experimental DIY shelf your other half just put up as a test 🙂 A tumbling hot air fryer is not good for anyone 🙂
If You are a Light Air Fryer User….
The great things about most air fryers is that they are compact and very mobile when compared with some other kitchen appliances. This means they are easy to pop in a cupboard when not in use. If you don’t use your air fryer oven that often, this is what I would recommend. This gives you more counter space to fill with things you use more often. Just make sure that your air fryer has fully cooled down before placing it back in that cupboard!!
That’s Your Lot!
There you have it, our complete list of tips for not melting or destroying your air fryer, simply by placing it in a good place.
If you have your own tips on this we would love to hear all about them in the comments section below.
Hello airfryer bro, We would like to install an airfryer under the bench in a marine application. I realise that the mounting area should be insulated and well ventilated, but wondering if you happen to know of a front loading model which may be well insulated in itself?
We have never used an airfryer but understand that it’s a very efficient and healthy cooking method and looking forward to a solution, if possible.
Hi John, to be honest its kind of hard to picture what you are talking about. All air fryers have some kind of vent, usually in the back. The hot air from this is quite hot and could potentially melt anything put too close to it. So you just need to make sure adequate room is given at the back of the unit. I recently reviewed the new Cosori air fryer, I was really impressed with how quiet and well insulated that model is. http://airfryerbro.com/cosori-5-quart-pro-le/
Good morning. We had just bought a microwave/convection/air fryer combo. Is it recommended that they be vented into the attic? Thanks
Vented into the attic? Sounds quite extreme. Just look if your unit has any external vents and make sure not to cover them up or place too close to a wall.