Welcome back to Air Fryer Bro. Today we are asking the million dollar question for many Americans….what air fryers are made in America? When you live in a country, you often like the idea of supporting your local workforce. This is where the interest comes from for American-made air fryers. It’s exactly the same in Britain. Anything made there is plastered with a ‘Made in the UK’ sticker 🙂 You will see a line of proud Brits shortly after. Are there any air fryers made in the USA? Let’s find out together!
What Does Google Say?
Google is always right, isn’t it? So let’s ask Google what air fryers are made in America?
Interestingly, three relevant results show up. There is an Amazon page labelled ‘air fryer made in USA’ and a video titled ‘5 Best Air Fryers Made in USA 2020’ and a product page from Bed, Bath and Beyond (yes, it’s not just a famous meme stock!).

I almost started jumping with joy! Yes, there are actually air fryers (seemingly from the pictures, both analogue and digital units) manufactured in America. But hang on, this is Google. Can we trust everything Google says blindly? Why don’t I just look into it myself just to make sure? Good idea, right? I mean, I am the Air Fryer Bro. I can’t just take everything at face value!!
Let’s Do Some Research!
Looking closer at the Amazon page, the first air fryers on this page were both by GoWise USA. They even have USA in the name, so they must be made there, surely! Let’s find out for ourselves.
My first port of call would be the GoWise USA website. Surely this is the best place for reliable information on the brand. After a bit of searching, I came across the ‘FAQ’ or frequently asked questions section of the website. Great!
The third question down hit the nail right on the head….
“Where are your products made? Our products are designed in the US and manufactured in China.”
Dang! made in China. Back to the drawing board then…or more likely that Amazon page 🙂
The second brand on that article was Cosori, one I have covered before in my air fryer brands article. Are Cosori air fryers made in the USA? Let’s do the same research as before. But after extensive searching, I couldn’t find the info I wanted. After searching the questions on a Cosori air fryer’s Amazon product listing, I did find that someone posted that the box says ‘Made in China’ on it! Another air fryer brand struck off the Made in America list!
OK, I am losing faith with this Amazon page, so let’s just look at one more air fryer on this list. It turned out to be the Instant Vortex air fryer oven made by Instant Pot. To the Instant Pot website we go. Maybe I am blind, but I couldn’t see anything on there about where the air fryers are made. Good on GoWise USA to be the only ones so far that are clear about this on their website……..I suppose they do have USA in their name though 🙂
So yet again I had to scour the question section of the Instant Pot Vortex’s Amazon listing. Is the Instant Pot Vortex made in America then? In a word….NO!
Next on the hit list is that high-ranking page from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Interestingly, they start with a brand Crux, which I have never even heard of in the air fryer world. My interest in piqued until I read in the frequently asked questions section of their product page… Is this air fryer made in the USA or China? Answer: China 🙁

And as someone who has been around the air fryer a long time, I can tell you straight out that there is as much chance of pig flying than PowerXL air fryers being made in America!! 🙂 So thanks but no thanks Bed, Bath and Beyond!
OK, Let’s move onto the YouTube video then…..maybe we will have better luck!
After perusing this video, I saw already that their top 5 list has a GoWise USA and a Cosori model in there! I already know that they are made in China! Not a great start!
Moving on, we do have some other brands on there, namely Ninja, Innsky and Yedi.
Starting with Ninja. Again, their website didn’t bring up any useful information, so I found myself on the Amazon listings page, and the question-and-answer section (again!!). And yes, several customers confirmed that their Ninja was made in China.
I am starting to lose all hope….. are you?
On to Innsky, a rather obscure air fryer brand. This will be fun 🙂 Their website was the worst yet, with very little useful information and a guy fixing a washing machine on the warranty page….even though they only sell air fryers….call me confused. You know the drill now though….Amazon….listing…..what do you reckon? Yes, made in China. The nice person from Innsky even gave a province of China, Zhejiang. If you are wondering where that is…..
See, Google does get some things right 🙂
Finally, Yedi….I thought that was a monster with big feet in the snow? Maybe I am wrong 🙂 Well, this time both the official website and the question-and-answer section of Amazon didn’t have much information, just one guy saying he thought it would be made in China because of the price.
More research is needed then! Actually, all I can find out is that they have their headquarters in Los Angeles and the President is Bobby Djavaheri. Others may assume things here, but not the Air Fryer Bro 🙂
More recently, I have seen posts pop up on the list saying that the brand ‘Aria’ is made in America. But, to be honest, I knew straight away when I read their marketing slogan that they weren’t! It reads ‘America’s fastest growing brand in air fryers’. Yes, they might be growing fast in America, but this doesn’t mean they are made in America! And, yes, looking at one of their Amazon listings proves this!

Are Any Air Fryers Made in America?
Out of all the air fryer brands that we could find out about, none of them were made in America. All those on both the Amazon page and the YouTube video were made in China. So, I think it is pretty safe to say that most air fryers are made in China.
Actually, I scoured around a lot of air fryers on Amazon, to find one that might be made somewhere other than China, and I couldn’t find any! Go look at the popular brands -Nuwave, GoWise, Dreo, Philips, Ninja, Cosori… I could go on! All made in China. Go look at air fryer types, large capacity, small capacity, smart air fryer, digital air fryer, analogue air fryer, air fryer oven,, stainless steel air fryer! All made in China. To air fry is to buy a product from China 🙂
And my research does show that this is a big issue for many American consumers. Just simply because it is pretty much always a question asked in the FAQ section of air fryer product pages.
Why Aren’t Air Fryers Made in America?
It seems that most commonly used domestic appliances aren’t made anywhere other than China these days, especially when it comes to the smaller domestic appliances. You might find some premium coffee makers and the like made in America, but air fryers are not really in the same league. No one is buying a premium air fryer anytime soon, so I don’t see much hope for the American-made air fryer. This is just my humble opinion, though 🙂
The reality is, at the time of writing, making an air fryer in China is a lot cheaper than making one in America. Unless air fryer manufacturers come up with a good reason to take on that extra cost, they are always going to use the cheaper option. Welcome to our modern business culture 🙂
Would you like to see an American-made air fryer? Would you pay a premium for this? Let us know in the comments section below.
Buying an Air fryer= Made in China!
With all the greatest will in the world, I am afraid that for an American buying an air fryer in 2025, your only real option is to buy one manufactured in China. Even Taiwanese brands such as Tatung are manufacturing most of their air fryers in China (as I confirmed in an Amazon product listing Q+A). At times, Philips have manufactured some of their air fryers (with that rapid air technology!) in Europe (Turkey to be exact). But this was only in the European market and has been phased out now!
And I am disappointed that Google continues to spread misinformation by promoting many posts at the top of their search that say otherwise and claim that Chinese made air fryers are in fact from the USA!
My sister and I have done some scouring as well. Totally disappointed! YES WE WANT AMERICAN MADE! I would rather pay a little more and support our own country than support China!
I totally see where you are coming from, hopefully a brand will try it 🙂
I read an article rating air fryers that said T-Fal is the only one not manufactured in China. It’s made in France. I would love to be able to purchase a USA made air fryer, but I also want one that is NOT made of plastic!
Good luck finding one 🙂
Can anyone verify? I found a brand Iconites 10 in 1 Air Fryer on Amazon. From the Iconites direct I see it has Free shipping to anywhere Republic of Ireland. Is it manufactured there? Thanks.
Heather, I called the T-Fal company and a representative sadly told me their products were made in China. 🙁
I too will pay a higher price. We MUST bring back our manufacturing to the USA. CHINA will he cutting us off soon as punishment for NOT going communist.
Hopefully a manufacturer will pick up the baton!!
I agree with you
Yes! I will pay more to support the American family. I was really excited about the GoWise USA and the Emeril 360, but both are made in China. I will keep checking.
Let us know if you find one!
They only sell full size wall oven with air fryer and convection mode, made in USA, but the prices made my blood pressure shot up too lol!
I will not buy from China. Period.
Thank you for sharing your research. I tried doing some research, but not as extensive as yours. Where is truth in advertising? In not finding an answer, I surmised that the answer would not be a good one. :-(((((
Unfortunately yes!!
Yes!!! I will now not buy an air fryer as we were looking due to husband’s heart attack recently- its bad enough that China has caused from children toys, to sheet rock being toxic then COVID 19; said it long ago – should’ve never done a trade agreement in the first place! Not only have they not been taxed or tariffed to as high as American manufacturing, textiles, etc; but they have been like snakes getting their sub par products (& stealing lots of American technology) imported to the US; and US not collecting our far share for importing their crap! US made all the way!!!
unfortunately the next 4 years are China friendly. 🙁
Ceci, you are correct! Hopefully, we do not become slaves of China.
Unfortunately we already have!
I have read manufacturers labels for years and it’s getting harder and harder to find anything “not” made in Communist China. And companies have become very deceptive; packaged in the US; does not mean made in the US, distributed by; does not mean made in the US, then there’s the company brands (Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger . . . ) with absolutely no place of origin noted on their products, and then there’s those products that just blatantly misinform or have nothing noted.
I know and it totally sucks. I can still hope that we won’t sell China anymore American real estate but I doubt that will happen
very much yes. U.S.A. please. or at least any where but china.
I believe that Wolf makes an air fryer made in USA, but at a hefty price $600.00 plus, crapola!
I doubt it. I bought the Wolf toaster oven thinking it was made in USA but sadly I got stuck with a $500 toaster oven made in China!
Agreed! I won’t buy one if they are all made in China.
i agree, i was set to pay at least $50 more for one if it was made in America, but none are ..by the way having the same problem with clothing
Almost everything is made in China right now 🙂
I agree I was prepared to pay double for made “any where but China”
My house will not be getting an air fryer unless it comes from goodwill store.
I think I will buy a pair of “my pillows”.
Those My Pillows are the BEST!
Karen Kane has nice clothing and made in USA. One of few!
Miss Peggy,
I order all my clothes online. All American Clothing, Diamond Gusset Jeans, Ruddock Shirts, and more. If we hit these companies together, and let them know that we’re trying to stay American, I believe that their prices will come down. Hope this helps…
Been online researching for an air fryer. Coming up empty for an American made! Yes, I would pay more for an American product. I only buy American and may not even buy one at this point. Just for this very reason.
I totally agree – we need to manufacture goods in the USA again. I would gladly pay more!
I’ve found if you have to search to see where a product is made, it’s usually foreign made. USA products proudly display their country of origin, as they should. I am glad to see so many of us looking for that label. We have turned a blind eye for far too long. Buy American. Keep up the good work air fryer bro!
Agreed. If Americans keep buying goods made in China, Americans are supporting the most dangerous government in the world. There will be war.
YES!!! I want and American made Air Fryer. I have made it my mission to only buy large items manufactured in the USA. Yes I will pay extra because that means better craftsmanship for the most part
I too am desperate to buy an air fryer made in USA and will not buy anything further made in China. Guess I’m not getting an air fryer. I’ll buy some more My Pillow products
Good for you! Yes on my way this is going to change. We have to collectively stop buying things because we want them, but because they’re all made in our country in America and not in China. I spent the past week trying to find an air fryer NOT made in China. Looking for an air fryer made in USA, but, at least not made in China. I could not find any. If anyone here knows of any air fryer made in the USA or other than China please let us know here! Best, Seth
I would pay a lot… my usa made blender was 500 and has out lasted anything cheaper to the point i would have paid more for china made products!
Count me in, too!!!! MAGA!
Good on you Sharon. That’s why I came to this website too. So disappointed
Until we can find a good, cheap substitute for asbestos, that ain’t gonna happen. Most of them are built in China because China doesn’t regulate environmental concerns like the USA does. I’m not suggesting that we accept asbestos, but when one buys a Chinese air fryer, I can almost promise you, it WILL have an asbestos “blanket” inside. One of the connectors to one of the elements inside my air fryer burnt up. I ran into this asbestos blanket in mine while in the process of attempting to repair it…. It will, no doubt end up in the local landfill. ;(
Me too!
My same thoughts exactly.
Spent the past week doing multiple searches using multiple search engines looking for USA made air fryers. Some of the sites the English was so bad and so typical of a Chinese trying to imitate the English language because they make the same mistakes using “is” instead of “arel, and other obvious English grammar errors. All the while claiming the 10 best air fryers made in USA. Later, look on Amazon and sometimes in the data sheet – “made in China”, or doing a search in the reviews. There will most always someone to say they were disappointed at the box states “made in Chinal although description said made in USA. Sometimes you’ll get a package and they’ll be no information at all on the box, within the box or on the device itself where it was made or anything about it. They try to hide the fact that it’s made in China because they are aware of the strong feelings that are coming out now. I found that over 95% of what is sold on Amazon comes from China. The only way this will change is if we stop buying things made in China. Demand products made in USA as alternatives, and demand the product descriptions quit lying about this. Call them out in your reviews! Best, Seth
Definitely would pay a little more for American made.
I suppose the question would be is that ‘little more’ enough to pay American over Chinese salaries 🙂
My thoughts are that it wouldn’t much matter. There are a lot of parts involved and all those parts would more than likely be made in China. Similar to the auto industry, it may be ‘Assembled’ in America, but most all the parts come from some other country. Our country has sold out long ago by demanding higher pay. We are owned by China. We used to be a world class producer of many products. Now we are a world class consumer of most all products. As a senior, I remember that if something broke we fixed it. Now we throw it away and buy a new one. Shame on us.
Totally agree. I think a lot of countries have the exact same problem as they develop. They turn from industry to service industry 🙂 And, yes, it is too easy to throw away and buy new these days!
I am in Canada and we have the same challenge here. We are all beginning to wake up to trying to buy local, but we did it to ourselves collectively, now we are in a pickle trying to find products made in North America
Yeah its pretty hard!
It is so frustrating. Lately my goal has to been to buy from anywhere that isn’t China and that alone is difficult. I will pay quite a bit more for items made in North America.
Agree, from an American woman.
Yes…true statements; however the only way to start turning it around is to stop buying their crap and giving more American company’s support to manufacture or produce quality products again …
I agree I was prepared to pay double for made “any where but China”
My house will not be getting an air fryer unless it comes from goodwill store.
I think I will buy a pair of “my pillows”.
Yes!! Well said.
Trying my best not to buy from China . I am not going to buy an air fryer
Me too! I’ve boycotted as much as I can from China. I get frustrated that sites don’t report the country of origin.
I refuse to buy anything from China, including an air fryer. Agree with Theresa.
I think one reason we throw away rather than repair is that things are not built to last anymore, and inferior materials are used so that it encourages us to throw away and buy again, to keep them in business.
Agreed 🙂
Yes I would buy an American Made Air Fryer and pay more. Hopefully it would be made better.
Agreed. Thanks for your input. Quality is currently an issue with many air fryers!
Right now trying to find repair for a Bella Pro Series air fryer I received as a gift. Only used 6 times and last 2 fan not working so basically only bakes. Tried contacting company 3 times and so far no response
So disappointed. I really want an air fryer and don’t want to buy Chinese made. I would definitely pay a premium for American made.
Thanks for your comment. Hopefully a company reads this and considers the idea of manufacturing in the US.
Any other country but China! Mexico and Canada are closer. I would buy from any other country. The Philips is also made in China.
Yeah, pretty much all air fryers are made in China!
I do not want a China made air fryer! I would be willing to pay more for a made in the USA product. I really want an air fryer, but I’m going to hold out awhile to see if anyone but China can manufacture one. Thanks for gathering the information in this article. It was very helpful.
Thanks for reading and good luck finding a US made air fryer.
I was just about to purchase an air fryer. I was super excited. So I’ve been researching the different brands to see which best fit my needs. Love your site- thank you so much for the information you provide. Long story short. I am not buying an air fryer today. If there comes a day when one is made in the USA, I’ll reconsider.
Hopefully a manufacturer will fill the void for a US made air fyer. Clearly, looking at the comments here, there is a market for it!
Like you I search and search for Made in the USA. No such animal. Yes, absolutely I would pay more, in fact, I have made it my mission to buy USA first.
Good luck with finding one.
I am getting divorced after 20 years. And one of the reasons is he would only buy things based upon price not on quality or craftsmanship. I have bought many American made goods. Research is key. Ohsayusa.com is only American made stuff. But alas, no air fryer.
Tefal is the only brand which is made in France, I searched could not find one made in America.
Thanks for the info. The problem is that most Tefal air fryers are not the best 🙂
I just received my third attempt to purchase a MADE IN THE USA Air Fryer. Box clearlt and boldly marked Made in China. I want to support the USA and do my best to purchase USA products. I have written to companies and my reason for return is product not made in USA. Ask them to start adfing that information.
It’s pretty hard to find a US made air fryer right now! Maybe someone will step up to the plate soon!!
Why don’t American’s refuse purchasing inferior products made in any forerign country ( China, Sri Lanka, India, Pakastain, etc.) . What we need is to stop this trend, Chana even makes a majority of our military materials (Example: uniform items, protective equipment etc.) even though the supposed contract for the making of these items is done under an American company.jackie e fisher
Fair point.
I already shun products and clothing made in china. They might cost 10-20 percent more but it is worth it.
Thanks for your comment.
I did refuse to buy foreign/chinese crap for Christmas for my 3 granddaughters
this year, bought one a potato peeler and 2 knives from the RadaKitchen Store,made in USA. Another one spatula’s and dishcloths same place. 3rd one T-shirts from Royal
Apparel, got house slippers from Softstar Shoes, got coffee mugs,tray, chocolate milk all from Bennington Potters. Granddaughters were so excited when they saw what they got made in USA. Even Grandson got USA made socks from American Giant. So if we look we can find, I would love a fryer too, but not from China.
Good for you. My wife bought two humidifiers made in china last winter–they wouldn’t work this winter! Junk!.
Amazing that none of the great appliance companies in the USA do not realize that there
are thousands of Americans looking for air-fryers and other appliances that are made in the USA and are willing to price few more dollars to have the label say….”MADE IN THE USA”!
Hey the companies….Americans are a lot smarter than you think….we are not always looking
for the cheapest crap made in China. We rather pay 10% more from people making them in the good old U.S.A. as money spent here stays here. Wise up G.E. Kitchenaid, and other appliance companies….made them here and the people here will buy them. Thanks Bob in Stuart, Fla.
Thanks for your comment, it seems a lot of people share your sentiment. My question would be is 10% more enough to make a product in the USA, I am pretty sure that American wages are more than 10% higher than the equivalent wage in China. Surely it would cost at least 25% more to make an air fryer in America. Would you still be willing to foot the cost? I imagine this is the concern a lot of manufacturers have.
Yes I would. I am done with China. I want whatever I buy to be made in the USA. We have as a nation been in a Coma. It is time we wake up and take our country back. I would pay more in a heartbeat for my goods to be made in America.
Those leading manufacturers have no idea there is a population living and working below the ivory tower. With politicians of both parties supporting them and ensuring their continued amassing of huge profits with laws and regulations to protect their wealth and business practices.
I have noticed recently(last couple of years) that, if a manufactured product does not prominently display where it was made then it was quite likely made in China. One would think manufacturers are trying to hide or downplay the ‘made in China’ aspect. Perhaps they are embarrassed to sell such shoddy products.I would be!However, there seems to be a groundswell of consumers doing their homework on items these days. Manufacturers are putting effort into hiding the ‘made in china’ label(as if it isn’t important).So the game is on,as ‘planned obsolescence’ has been taken to a whole nutha level.
I cannot think of one Chinese made product I have purchased over the years that I am satisfied with.So much garbage! Waste of money(and time). I’ve asked many people the same question and always the same response…long pause with no answer.
So now,I do my homework and try my best to spend my money on items made elsewhere that are better quality.Willing to pay more fore a quality made product,as well as support the North American economy.Not an easy task these days. Latest purchase was a German made vacuum. Time will tell if it was the right choice of course,but I felt confident after researching that this was a quality item.Did it cost more than the ‘made in China’ brands(with U.S. names)? Yes,but how many vacuums am I expected to buy in my life?
Anyway,the Air Fryer concept seems like a good idea,but now ,after knowing where they are made,I am hesitant to purchase one.I don’t really need one anyway. My experience of buying so many poorly made Chinese items has created a built in bias,you know what they say? (74 times burned,75th time shy!) So, I have real doubts that any fryer I purchase will function properly and/or won’t last over time and ultimately end up in the landfill like the rest of the Chinese items I have bought. Gives new meaning to what a Chinese Junk is.
Hi Gary, thanks for your comment. I totally see where you are coming from, unfortunately small kitchen appliances are almost turning into disposable items these days!!
I would gladly pay more for “made in the USA”
it may happen one day!
From what i have seen i would pay double the price and maybe more for a usa made air fryer. But i can say that i am done buying China made cr-p.
The general sentiment here seems to be the same, it makes me wonder if a manufacturer will ever take the plunge!
im not a tree hugger…. well maybe a closet tree hugger lol… I am tired of tossing my money out of the country on disposable chinese garbage. im slowly going all American. Air fryer is next on the list, and having no luck so far… you would think it wouldnt be this hard. I will send a note to amazon to beg for a made in the usa button.. but I doubt ill get very far with that.. maybe if we get enough demand 🙂
Hi Doug, thanks for your comment. If you look at the other comments here you will see there are many that feel the same way. Hopefully one day a manufacturer will take on the challenge 🙂
How about anywhere but China? Is there an air fryer made in Germany? I thought Breville was but no….
Even that might be tough these days ha ha 🙂
I would and my parents and both of my brothers would. We are still very proud of our people and would even pay more for products made in the United States of America. I can’t even find a vacuum made in the United States. What will our do> Where will they work?
I’m talking about our children. If we don’t start buying from our country, our children will pay the ultimate price…. starvation and death
I know what you mean, but it is quite common for countries to ditch manufacturing for the service industry when they become developed. Companies deem it too expensive to pay developed country wages to make their appliances etc. Especially as most consumers are often driven by price these days!
It saddens me that we cannot manufacture Air Fryers in the United States . I’m hoping there is someone out there that can design one at reasonable price. As much as I love my air fryer I will not be purchasing another one!!! Thank you for sharing this information.
Your welcome Ann, and good luck in your quest to find an American made air fryer!
I was very disappointed a couple years ago, my parents wanted an air fryer for Christmas, I saw the Go Wise USA and thought it was made in USA since it’s in the name, but I was wrong. I wasn’t happy when it arrived and was made in China.
I’d love to see some more products made in USA
it seems a lot of other people feel the same way!!
I have been looking for USA made products for a couple of months. It is very difficult to find a lot of items that aren’t made in China. I know I would definitely pay 25% percent or more. Quality would be better and maybe we would be a less wastefull nation. Buying less but taking pride knowing what we did buy was American made.
As you can see from the other comments, a lot of other people agree!
It’s so true. With almost everything you buy today – “Made in China” and most of the time the quality is not very good. However the price is lower. This is the world we live in where everyone want’s to shop at Big Box stores or Amazon and pay a little as possible. The market listened and sent all manufacturing over to China who said we will make it for ten cents on the dollar. Now we are in the crap trap.
Unfortunately this is what usually happens when countries develop and become richer. Sad really 🙂
I want American made. Let’s put Americans to work
A lot of others agree!
Americans must be willing to pay alot more for any appliance not made by the Chicoms. The Chicoms employ (ha, employ, what a joke) slave labor. We Americans have to be willing to step up and forgo a few fast food meals so we can offset the price of appliances made here ( the few that are). If enough of us do that American genius will figure out a way to provide products that are affordable to the cusomer and profitable for the manufacturer.
It may happen one day, but i am not holding my breath 🙂
Damn…I was really hoping you would have found what we are all looking for. I guess Air fryer is off my wish list…I won’t support China if I don’t have too. I’ll stick the old fashioned why of making fries.
fair enough 🙂
My family, the kids, my grandkids, my siblings and their tribes, we are all purposely staying away from any product coming out of Red China. I could spend an hour telling you why we should not support China and any manufacturers that do business with them but there are plenty of resources you can look up to support my point. So bottom line, I’ll live without an air fryer just fine.
I imagine you have to go without a lot of small kitchen appliances these days, as a lot are made in China.
Thanks for this page and the comments listed here. China is out of control with their slave camps making everything you can think of and even harvesting the hair off of captives from their western province and selling them as extensions across the globe. I’m going with the T-Fal and thanks for finding one not made in China (it’s made in France)….regardless if it’s the best product or not. Also for sale at target so I don’t need to give Bezos/amazon any more money 🙂 Wish there was an easier way to look for items not made in china…it’s out of control!
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment 🙂
What a bummer. I too would pay more fore made in USA.
As for vacuums, I believe Bissell is still USA.
For a dishwasher, I think Kitchenaid is USA.
Thanks for the info.
Was excited to buy an air fryer but refuse to buy non-essentials from China ! We researched our toaster purchase and online website stated Oster made in South America; upon arrival I flipped the box and was very dismayed to see, “Made In China.” Wanna bet stickers are being swapped as I type ???
Thanks for the info.
Suggestion: there is a store near us that sells used restaurant items and I am going to go there to scout out things ( ALL can openers made in China as I discovered as well, even IKEA and a German company). Will buy used before buying from China.
Interesting idea 🙂
YES we would pay more for an air fryer made in America,, I have done fine so far without one and will continue to do so until there is an American made one,, If a product has “made in China “ on the box we do not buy it. Our refrigerator and stove were made in America (Jenn-Air and Thermador) they cost us more but it is well worth it,
I think made in America larger kitchen appliances are economically viable, not sure about smaller kitchen appliances like air fryers 🙂
Thanks for making this easy by doing the research. We have for many years checked where items we needed to purchased were made and have been so discouraged. When we are able, we will pay the price for American made products.
No worries 🙂
All of Yedi company’s suppliers are from China.
Thanks for the info.
I have been searching for made in the usa with no results everything is made in china and yes i would pay more!
I am hearing this a lot, you are not alone 🙂
Shucks, as I was reading your post I was thinking at the end you’d reveal the great air fryer made in America! I really want an air fryer oven with bells & whistles. I would pay the extra for American made. I’m thinking if no one is making them in the US, then it will probably be years before a company tools up for the job when the Chinese made ones are inexpensive.
I am afraid currently its pretty much impossible to get an American made air fryer! Sorry if I got your hopes up!
With everything going on in this crazy world today, I have made a commitment to NOT
purchase anything that is “Made in China”, that includes clothing, as well.
Have a convection oven/reg. oven combination and will simply make due and get creative!
If everyone did not give in to buying things made in China, but spent just a little more to buy something made in the USA, we could begin to win this manufacturing disparity.
A lot of people feel the same.
I absolutely want to see our American big companies manufactures their shit in the US. We all got fed up by all that made in China crap..
A lot of people feel the same.
I purchased a Cuisinart air fryer 2 weeks ago, not checking where it was from, I too try to not buy Chinese products. Used my air fryer 4 times and the elements went out. They told me to look up the model # which would be on the bottom of the air fryer. Guess what the first thing I saw……”made in China”. I don’t want a replacement, I want my money back!
Fair point.
We are retiring, building a house in another state and moving near our children. Of course in selling our home we are leaving many of the kitchen appliances. I have a Maytag refrigerator that is 19 years old…no issues (just dated). Also have a Maytag electric stove which I love that is 17 years old (glass cook top, 2 ovens}. Excellent condition! So, need to replace for new house. Bought all USA made appliances (Whirlpool and Kitchenaid)- wall oven, wall microwave, electric cooktop, and refrigerator). I’m sure some parts come from China. However, those companies are American made so I would think they should be flooded by requests for air fryers. Let’s do that!
Would be interesting if a company took it on.
It’s not like a US company is not capable. This dependence on China garbage has got to stop. They have 0 quality control. I’m going to check out the T-Fal one maybe.
Apparently the Tefal one is made in France…i’m not convinced 🙂
I was finally getting ready to buy an air fryer, but refuse to buy one that is made in China. I would definitely pay a premium to buy American made.
Good to know.
Please, anywhere but China! Even France would be better (c’est la vie).
We would pay a premium price for one that’s made in America. Our Instant Pot pressure cooker just bit the big one, so we bought a new one. There are no pressure cookers made in the US either, so we just went ahead and bought the Chinese Instant Pot. The new one smells of burnt plastic. It ruined our Thanksgiving ham. It smelled and tasted like plastic. After running it around 7-8 times, it still stinks like burnt plastic, so we’re sending it back. We’ll just have to learn how to cook without one for now, and we’re willing to pay as much as it would require to buy an American made one. China will make things as toxic as they possibly can. Let me be clear. Some of my best friends are Chinese, and I this has nothing to do with race. However, the government will poison and kill you for a dollar.
Thanks for your input. A lot of people feel the same it seems 🙂
For sure I would pay a premium for an AMERICAN made anything these days!
We need to convince designers to sell patent rights to American companies.
Let’s tell them we would pay a bit more to “Build USA” and employ ourselves.
Let American companies know we want American made products to step up and build here.
I feel air fryers could be a good first step !!! They will be “hot” items this year.
I was told that Amazon has a Paula Dean Air fryer made in the USA. At least, was a question that came up and the response was Yes. I hope they are telling the truth. Who knows anymore? I am trying to avoid buying anything Made in China. We buy so much from them and then they want to kick us in the rear and force communism on us.
Thanks for the input. With the price of the Paula Deen air fryers being quite cheap it would be great if they were USA made but I am not holding my breath 🙂
I would definitely pay more for American made. I was hoping to buy an air fryer but until I find one made in the US or at least in a country that is not China I will stick with the kitchen products I have. I’ve even changed to using Lodge cast iron skillets instead of anything else because they are made in the US (not every product by Lodge so you have to check).
Good for you. Totally agree.
Re: Yedi air fryer
No where on the pretty picture box does it state where it is manufactured. However, on the brown shipping box of theirs it states made in China. Sneaky?
Seems so 🙂
I always look for products made in the USA and have no problem paying more for them. I have wanted an air fryer but will not buy one made in China. I will wait until one of the manufacturers steps up to the plate and makes one here in the US. Thanks for doing the research for us.
No worries, maybe one day I can report on an American made air fryer 🙂
A real patriot! Agree with you 100%! Buy only made in USA!
Buy only made in USA.. Stop buying china products.
I stopped buying “MADE IN CHINA” five years ago. I must admit I seem to have more disposable income. I use a multi-function product that microwaves, toasts, bakes, broils and it is at least 25 years old. It is a Conair Cuisine Ultra Series product. I do not know if this was made in the USA, but based on the quality it must be.
Well, ….the Air fryer is of of my shopping list for sure. I am not supporting Chinese Products any longer.
Convection Bake at 420 F
does the same trick!
I would totally pay more for “made in America”
was looking for an American made air fryer. Since there are none, there will not be an air fryer in my home. Thoroughly fed up with American industry and political leaders that place their decisions and profits ahead of Americas interests and welfare. Because of the huge profits, both industry and politicians, who reap great amounts of payoffs from those industries, have literally sold our souls out to the new world order and communism. We need a complete change of in Washington after the latest election to patriots that will make America what it used to be, morally and self-supporting!
Send a note to Amazon requesting they add a simple check box to filter our search for products Made in USA. If enough of us do it maybe this evil company would actually support USA. Thanks
If you want to buy made in USA stay out of Walmart just about everything is foreign made and mostly made in China.
Has anyone looked into Maxx? Their website says, ;Proudly made in USA and Canada
As MAAX celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are reminded of the pride and satisfaction we take in being a North American manufacturer. We employ nearly thousands of passionate workers in our plants located across the continent. Our people are the fabric of our operations, and it is they who ensure that “Made in North America” represents much more than simple geography. Having said that, the Kaloric toaster oven/fryer looks identical to me….. So I don’t trust. What about Breville? I think its made in Australia, which beats buying from China. I have been trying to buy a toaster over/air fryer for a year now and won’t buy until there is a verified american product or at least one made outside of china…
Were you ever able to verify where they’re manufactured? I absolutely will not buy Chinese products. I’d rather go without.
It’s shocking KitchenAid / Whirlpool haven’t stepped into the mix. I have lots of family who work at Whirlpool in Michigan. You’d think they’d have been on this. Disappointing.
I just checked yesterday and Breville is made in China. So disappointed. I only want to buy USA or any other country not China.
While most Sunbeam-Oster products are made in the United States, the company has some manufacturing facilities in Mexico, Venezuela, and Peru. who knows
I would pay extra for an American made one!
There IS a list of made in the USA items
Yes, I would pay extra for appliances made in America.
We need more Patriots like Mike Lindell to step up and give us an air fryer MADE IN AMERICA, then and only then will I gladly purchase one.
As with everyone above, I would prefer to have a USA manufactured product (in this case an airfryer). People talk about paying more, but the miss the most important point and that is the products that were previously made in USA lasted much longer. We need to buy multiple of these Chinese made products in order for it to last as much as the products made in USA. A good example is the Ronco Rotisserie, when it was first manufactured in the USA the product quality was good and the business did really well, then Ron Popeil sold the company and immediately the new owners had the product manufactured in China and it went down hill from there. Ron Popeil later even stated that it was the greatest mistake he made in selling the company.
Been looking for months. CANNOT find an air fryer Made in the USA. If you all know a brand, please post.
Thanks for saving me more hours of research. I’m very disappointed. I’ve been trying my best to not buy products made in China. I would be very willing to pay more.
I feel the same…..I would pay extrs if everythong was made in America. We are just pushing pjtselves over the cliff. Our government and leadership is to blame for making these agreemenys with China. Pretty soon 80% of America will be unemployed due to lack of jobs cuz they are all sourced out to “slave labor” Chinese workers! It is so sad what is happening to our Great country!! Its OUR fault…we woke up too late!
Dear AIrfryerBro and all others,
I check everything I buy, in order to buy USA. However, barring that, most any other country is my goal.
I am willing to pay more and generally get better quality as a result.
I am encouraged by you all!
I will pay extra for made in America products. I was so disappointed that I cannot find an airfryer that’s made in US.
We should make an appeal to these companies supposed fromUS that they should start manufacturing in US.
I thought Trump was going to fix it? Then the trade wars? Now we don’t hear anything more about buy in USA. Do you think Biden will try to keep the manufacturers in USA? It is not that people will not buy USA products, people cannot find products made in USA.
I found an air fryer last night at the Kmart that was made in Canada! It’s made by Total Chef. I didn’t buy it though because of small capacity.
Wow! Good find!
First of all thanks for doing this research. There are those of us, as the comments left here show, that care about the country of origin. I recently was looking for a cable hoist that could lift about 1/2 ton. I found many that were available, made in China for around $125. After a lot of research which included phone calls I found one made in USA. $2100. But the quality is commercial and as crazy as it sounds, I am willing to pay the difference. I hope enough people are willing to pay the more as well….
This is an informative site: https://www.productfrom.com/categories
Doesn’t help re: air fryers, but could for lots of other products.
Thanks for the research. I would definitely pay a premium for American made products
I would be willing to pay between $300.00 and $400.00 for a good air fryer not-made-in-China. I doesn’t really have to be made in the USA. I just will not purchase products made in China (unless I really have to have and there is no other alternative). I’m willing to pay up to $100.00 for a two slice toaster not made in China.
I just saw 2 videos by chefs comparing an Air Fryer to a Convection Oven….virtually NO Difference!
I’m OK with buying products not neccessarily made in USA. I just don’t want to buy anything from China, or any other non-democratic country that abuses human rights on a systematic basis.
If I go into a retail store to buy something, where it is made is on the packaging. But online, Amazon and other retailers never have to state the items country of manufacturer. Why is that?
Good point, I am surprised there isn’t a law about that yet 🙂
I will pay more for an American made air fryer. We must bring all our industry back to the USA!
Thank you everyone, for all the comments I too would like an air fryer made in the USA if not anywhere but China.
I, like man others here are frustrated at trying to find items not made in China. I would be willing to pay more for a product made in the USA. I would however not want to pay 5 times as much.
I would love to buy made in USA products but unfortunately it is very hard to find any
Thank you for doing the research for made in the USA toaster ovens. Yes, there are very very few products not made in China. My 1990 Conair microwave toaster, bake, and broil oven made in Korea just died and I am going to try and get it fixed rather than buy China. Yes, we should wake up and boycott China goods. Unfortunately, won’t happen for four years as someone else posted.
If you check out any items most manufactures are crafty enough to plaster all over the utter box anything to get ur attention to make u think ur buying American made items don’t be fooled its a gimmic to sell the USA doesn’t make crap anymore but to sell it they plaster all over it MADE IN THE USA what a lie
Yes I’d love to buy more American made products! We need to start being better Americans and buy more American products.
Had the same problem with slow cookers. Then found found 360 cookware. Great product. China is taking over more manufacturing than most people realise.
It was heartbreaking to read your research. Unfortunately it is our reality today. I have been trying to buy made in America products for years. Slowly but surely made in America product are being replaced with made in China.
Personally I will pay more to seaport my country.
I will always buy American made products over any other. I would certainly be willing to pay more. So disappointing that an American made air fryer is not available!!
Just a heads up. I found a Toaster oven+air fryer NOT MADE IN CHINA!!!!
Delonghi are made in Italy!!!
I will give one a try and let Y’all know.
Awesome thanks.
I bought a PowerXL Air Fryer in Dec 2021 and it no longer powers on as of Apr 2023. 90-Day Money Back and 1-Year free replacement does me no good at all. It had the usual built-in defect: Made in China