Welcome back to Air Fryer Bro! Today, we want to give you the lowdown on the different air fryer brands out there. Air fryers are growing ever more popular, and people are not always as aware of the brands behind the air fryers as they should be. Especially, as we are not just talking about well known brands here, there are some brands that sell air fryers that you would probably never of heard of before.

In this article, we will try to give details about the background of these air fryer brands and what to expect from their products. Quality is a key factor when buying an air fryer, so we intend to look into this during this article, so you will be less likely to buy a dud!
Please note, I cannot possibly cover every single brand of air fryer that exists in the world. I have tried to go for brands that are selling well and/or are relatively well known in the air fryer community. If you see a brand that is not covered here, it is probably a Chinese generic brand. Simply do your own research, looking at customer reviews to see what the quality is like (oh, and make sure to read up on the warranty!!).
With all that out of the way, let’s get on with the show!!
Oh, one more thing 🙂 During this article, if you want to check out an air fryer on Amazon, simply click on the air fryer pictures within!
Surely, Philips must be the most well known company that sells air fryers. They were actually the people to first take a risk on consumer grade air fryers, releasing their first one in 2010. They were contacted by a company headed by Van der Weij, someone that had spent time optimising air fryers for the home. After several meetings, Philips agreed to take on the air fryer idea and the rest….as they say….is history!
I know for me, the very first air fryers that I can remember seeing were Philips models. They definitely had a head start when it comes to this new kitchen appliance craze!!
Who are Philips?
I don’t know if this brand is as popular in America, but growing up in the UK Philips were pretty big players in the domestic appliance market. Philips is a massive multinational conglomerate company from the Netherlands in Europe. They have a long history, having been founded by Gerard Philips in 1891. They almost went bankrupt in the early days, with their first foray into light bulbs and lighting. But they went on to be one of the biggest electronics company’s in the world.
In terms of company backing when buying an air fryer, surely Philips is by far the biggest company to grace this list of air fryer makers. This size and security will certainly bring piece of mind to some air fryer buyers!
What should you expect from Philips Air fryers?
In my opinion, Philips have not strayed far from the initial vision they had for the air fryer in 2010. They are still sticking with a line up of traditional bucket style air fryers, and haven’t gone into the air fryer oven direction yet. Their designs have become sleeker and the size of their air fryers has gotten bigger. Their first air fryers had dials to set the time and temperature, whereas now they include mostly digital displays on their air fryers. In fact, even the nature of their digital displays hasn’t changed much over the years.
In terms of price, they are often one of the more expensive air fryer models around, being that they are well established and have the very first domestic air fryers to their name. I don’t see any radical or unique design choices with Philips air fryers either. They are pretty much a safe choice when it comes to buying air fryers!
But, how’s the quality?
This is actually something I can personally comment on, as I have had my very own Philips air fryer for the past few years. After these two years, I haven’t had any major problems with my model. It always works fine and nothing has broken. The non-stick coating has only started to rub off a little on the cooking compartment, on some exposed edges. As this part doesn’t ever touch food, I don’t really worry about it. For an air fryer on this age, I feel like it is doing really well. Especially, as I pretty much use my air fryer daily!

The customer feedback on Amazon seems to agree with me. Their highest selling unit (at the time of writing) has a star rating of 4.4 out of 5, with over 250 reviews. When reading through these reviews, it is incredibly rare to see anyone talking about low quality issues such as breaking parts and non stick coating peeling off! To me, this is a great indication that you are getting an expensive, but high quality item when buying from Philips.
Philips back this up with a standard one year warranty, which is valid as long as you use the air fryer as it was intended (this requirement is stipulated in pretty much all air fryer warranty details).
If we assume that selling air fryers on Amazon is relative to selling air fryers in general, then Cosori are a brand that are flying high right now. They have several air fryers in the top selling charts at Amazon, something not to be sniffed at.
Being honest, I had never heard of Cosori before I had heard about their air fryers. On further inspection, they are not restricted only to air fryers. They sell a pretty decent range of kitchen appliances from pressure cookers to vacuum sealers!
Who are Cosori?
We started with an easy company to track down in Philips. A lot of the other companies involved with air fryers won’t be as big or as well established as Philips! Cosori is a prime example of this.
When searching on the internet, I can find their official website but little else. The website mostly lists the products they have for sale, but doesn’t go into anything about the company’s history. It’s the same story when looking at their Facebook page. Lot’s of information about their ethos, but nothing about their history.
I can find some details saying they are based in Anaheim in the USA, and that their President is Lin Yang. Actually, Lin Yang has been associated with nine other companies that have been registered in America.
One of them being Arovast, who seem to be the main company behind Cosori, as they are mentioned on the Cosori website terms of use. Looking at the other company names linked, it seems we have a web of other home appliance brands. The Arovast name actually turned up on Amazon, selling Levoit air purifiers (another company mentioned as a link to Lin Yang). Another one ‘Etekcity’ sells camping stoves and scales (among other things).This company interestingly has a more detailed website than Cosori and mentions having offices in China and Germany, as well as Anaheim. Finally, they have a company called Vesync which is selling some kind of smart app to control other smart products various companies in the family, such as Cosori and Levoit!
Did you get all that! Ha ha! This company structure is pretty confusing, I don’t know why they decided to start a new company for each area of products they want to sell! I am taking a wild guess here, but I feel that Cosori are simply working with partners in China to come up with a manufacturer for their air fryers. It is just a guess, but that is my gut feeling! Having said this, their air fryer design does appear to be unique to them, and not an exact generic copy, so I may be selling them short here!
What should you expect from Cosori Air Fryers?
Cosori Air fryers have (in my opinion) two unique features. Firstly, they come with a shake reminder feature. This is a built in alarm that will help you remember to shake your food. For a lot of seasoned air fryer users (especially that use traditional bucket style air fryers), they will really appreciate this consideration. Shaking is an essential part of getting even cooking for a lot of food in these air fryers. Secondly, Cosori have made it simple to switch your air fryer from Celsius to Fahrenheit. This could really come in handy when you find a recipe online using a temperature measurement that is different from your home country. If you really like this feature be careful, as it is not on all Cosori air fryers.
These features are not mind blowing, but do help improve the quality of life for air fryer users, which could in turn help them seem slightly more attractive options.
Other than this, and the fact that the design of their air fryers is pretty modern and sleek looking, there is nothing more to say about Cosori air fryers.
It terms of price, Cosori air fryers are often in the mid-ranking price range. I think this competitive pricing is one of the reasons behind their relative success.
But, how’s the quality?
On the whole, Cosori appear to have done a good job here. They have a very high rating (usually around 4.4-4.7 stars out of 5) on most of their product reviews on Amazon. Most people seem to love their air fryers, and heap praise on them. Although it is not perfect by any means, as you will find a smattering of people saying their model stopped working after a month or even a week!
Amazon is a great place to see a large sample of customers, and for me, I wouldn’t worry about buying a Cosori air fryer after seeing their responses and reviews!
It is also great to see that Cosori offer a two year warranty on their air fryers, showing me they have good confidence in their products. Also, I didn’t see anyone complaining about customer service or the warranty within the Amazon reviews I read (which was quite a lot!).
Ninja have burst onto the air fryer (and pressure cooker) scene over the past few years, and have proven to be quite a hit with the customers in these markets.
Who are Ninja?
Ninja (as well as sister vacuum cleaner brand Shark) are run by SharkNinja Operating LLC. They are an American based company started by Mark Rosenzweig in Canada in the late 90’s. Unlike our last company, all of this is laid out for anyone to read on their website.
They come across as being a pretty innovative company, because their Shark Ion vacuum cleaners seem to be making equally as big a splash as their air fryers and pressure cookers are! This is no mean feat for a relatively young company. I say innovative, because in all these markets they are not just pumping out the same products as other brands, they seem to be thinking outside the box and coming up with more unique concepts.
What should you expect from Ninja Air Fryers?
When talking about Ninja’s pure air fryers, they are not really that exciting. Yes, the design is pretty good looking, but the features don’t stand out as being particularly special. The only vaguely exciting things are the fact that it has features to allow the low heat needed to dehydrate food, as well as it already coming with a stackable wire rack (something you have to pay extra for in most other air fryers).
Where the real excitement comes in, is with their hybrid air fryers. These fryers can act both as a pressure cooker and an air fryer. Pretty impressive, right!! Combining two of the hottest kitchen appliances of the last five years into one is an obvious no brainer!
In terms of price, the pure air fryer has a mid-range price, but the airfryer/pressure cooker models are sold at a much higher price. Probably cheaper than buying both appliances separately though!!
If you do want to buyer one of these products from Ninja, I would say read the product descriptions of all the different models carefully. For example, if you want a hybrid model that can also dehydrate, there are some that do and some that don’t. Make sure you buy the model that best suits your needs.
But, how’s the quality?
Ninja seem to be doing a lot right at the moment. Go look at any of their air fryer and air fryer/pressure cooker hybrid reviews on Amazon. They all get at least a 4.4 out of 5 at the moment. When reading through the reviews, there is very little negativity about the quality of the products. The hybrid models do get some people saying they are loud, but other than that most other reviews are singing its praises. Even the pure air fryer model performs in a similar way.
These products are backed up by a pretty standard one year warranty, similar to what is offered by a lot of other air fryer makers. Also, Ninja seems to be pretty good at protecting it’s image online. For example, most negative reviews have a Ninja rep replying to them and offering to sort out any issues. So, one way or another, you should have no worries with the Ninja warranty.
For me, Philips is the safe bet for air fryers. However, Ninja would be my choice is you are willing to go for a younger and slightly less established company for your air fryer! Or if you seek more innovation in your air fryers, but don’t want to be let down by a sub par product.
Dash have managed to get a couple of it’s air fryers up into the Amazon best seller lists, mainly due to good pricing and retro designs. But who are Dash? Most people probably still haven’t heard anything about them.
Who are Dash?
Evan Dash started the overarching company Storebound in 2010, so they haven’t been around that long. Dash falls under the many other home consumer brands within the Storebound company. Their idea was to overtake the well known brands by a more innovative and cutting edge approach, backed up by some social media savvy! Or that is certainly the takeaway I had after looking into them! This is another air fryer brand based in America.
What should you expect from Dash Air Fryers?
The only real unique feature for Ninja is the fact they offer an extremely compact air fryer, which would work well for those wanting to take an air fryer to work or on a camping trip! Other than that, they are pretty much the only major air fryer player going for a retro design.
Over and above these factors, I believe they have sold well mainly due to competitive pricing.
But, how’s the quality?
Dash themselves talk about all their air fryers being FDA tested and having ETL certification. Generally, a lot of reviews for the Dash air fryers on Amazon are very good. Although, there are more and more creeping in that talk about the air fryer basket peeling. By this, it means that the non-stick coating is peeling off.
The fact I have an article on this website dedicated to the subject of air fryer peeling, should tell you this is a pretty big problem in the world of air fryers. Therefore, whenever I see even a handful of reviews talking about this issue I will pass on this brand straight away. There is nothing worse than your shiny new air fryer starting to peel after a couple of months!!
FYI, the compact air fryer does a lot worse on reviews than the regular sized one pictured above, something you should consider if interested in this brand.
Dash do offer a one year warranty, so in theory you should be able to replace any purchase if it turns out to have quality issues. For me, I would rather bypass the hassle in the first place by buying a better quality item to start!
Go Wise
Go Wise USA are a brand that have become pretty well known in the air fryer community. They can often be found in the top air fryer seller lists, so what is the appeal of this brand? Let’s find out.
Who are Go Wise?
Go Wise are a brand that have quite a range of kitchen appliances, including things such as blenders and slow cookers. They are part of the Ming’s Mark group of companies, which seems to mainly focus on camping and outdoor products and is based out of Phoenix Arizona. The Go Wise brand was founded in 2013, so it another one of these fairly new air fryer brands.
What should you expect from Go Wise Air Fryers?
For me, they are pretty unremarkable products. Decent design coupled with features that are seen in most other air fryers. Innovation doesn’t seem to be their strong point, and therefore don’t expect any unique or exciting features!! However, they do have a big range of air fryers, covering all kinds of sizes and even including oven style air fryer models. So, they should have a model to fit your needs. Other than that, they do have a shake reminder function similar to what is seen on Cosori model air fryers.
Often, Go Wise air fryers are in the mid to high range price wise.
But, how’s the quality?
This is where Go Wise USA start to fall down and have issues. Their air fryers are not well reviewed on Amazon, often seeing 4 star ratings at best. Reading through these reviews, there are way too many people talking about various quality issues, from the basket’s non stick coating peeling to units that simply stopped working.
What makes this worse, is when you look at the warranty information, you see some things that are totally unacceptable. On the face of it, they have a pretty regular one year warranty. However, when you dig deeper, you find out that “For all GoWISE USA Air Fryers, the removable basket, tray, and all components are warrantied for 30 days from the day of purchase and DO NOT fall under the 1-year limited warranty of the unit”.
Frankly, this is ridiculous, and would make this whole brand an instant pass for me. Makes me think even they believe their products are inferior quality!! And yet, somehow they still show up as best selling air fryers on Amazon!! I think it is purely down to heavy discounts. As they are pretty pricey at the normal MSRP all things considered!
Omorc always seems to have one air fryer in the top selling list on Amazon, and seem to do pretty well for themselves as another one of these pretty obscure air fryer brands.
Who are Omorc?
As with a lot of these obscure air fryer brands, it can be hard to find out a lot about the origins of the company. The official website doesn’t really give away anything in the ‘About Us’ section, talking more about philosophy than any cold hard company history!
From what I can gather, Omorc are a Chinese based company who sell a wide array of home and kitchen products. The Omorc brand was brought into existence in 2016 by Shenzhen Qiao Dake E-commerce LTD, a company that sells all kinds of different brands for products as diverse as emergency escape tools (hammers basically). You can go check out their Amazon seller account to see the full extent of this.
What should you expect from Omorc Air Fryers?
Omorc sell some really big traditional bucket style air fryers, as big as 7.6 quart! Which is pretty massive. They have one 6 quart model which is often a top seller, and it has a rounded circular design. I can totally see why this one is popular, because the design is really unique looking.
Other than this, they have another feature that I really like. They put a metal grate or shield on the heating element, meaning it is not exposed. On most other air fryers, the heating element can get covered with food mess and is usually hard to clean. Not so with the Omorc air fryer. Although, I do wonder if this is why their air fryers seem to be a little bit more power hungry than the average air fryer, as it has to get the heat through this shield.
In terms of price, Omorc air fryers go for a mid ranging to low price, and can often be seen with additional discounts.
But, how’s the quality?
Frankly, with these small, new and pretty much unheard of brands there is only one thing you can do. Look at a wide range of customer feedback and see if quality issues are often mentioned.
The Amazon reviews are excellent on all Omorc air fryer models, being at least 4.4 out of 5 stars at the time of writing. There are a smattering of the usual air fryer ‘it stopped working after two months’ and ‘the teflon coating is coming off’ reviews, but for me they are only a small amount.
Interestingly Omorc have listed a new model on Amazon which says ‘2019 Coating Upgraded’ as part of the product description. So, at least they are aware of this perennial problem with air fryers and are trying to make an effort to fix it.
They have a two year warranty, and even say that customers don’t need to pay to send the air fryer back! This seems better than a lot of apparently well established air fryer brands, so this should go some way to reassuring you when buying from such a new brand.
Remember though, that you are dealing with a Chinese company that might have some quirks in customer service. For example, they list a gmail account as their support email on their official website, which is hilarious. Actually, a lot of reviewers talk about the support being friendly and helpful, if not always having great English skills. So hopefully, this isn’t too much of an issue.
Omorc seem to be good for what is essentially a Chinese generic air fryer brand. Although, I haven’t seen their designs popping up on other people’s air fryers, so they can’t be that generic!
Power Air Fryer
Power Air Fryer is a brand that a lot of people may actually know, even though it is not sold through the usual channels that much. But, should you buy their air fryers? That’s the question!
Who are Power Air Fryer?
Power Air Fryer are a brand started by Tristar Products Inc, another one of these home products ‘invention’ companies that are based in America (this time in Fairfield New Jersey).You may have heard of some of their other brands, for example the ‘Copper Chef’ range of kitchen pans etc (thus why a lot of Power Air Fryer’s have copper frying baskets!).
The main reason the Power Air Fryer brand became popular is through celebrity endorsements and TV shopping (mainly QVC). This seems to be quite a theme for many of Tristar’s products, using celebrities, infomercials and TV shopping to make sales. The main two people you will see promoting the Power Air Fryer brand are Eric Theiss and Emeril Lagasse, both a type of celebrity chef.
What should you expect from Power Air Fryers?
The air fryers themselves are pretty unremarkable, having the bog standard features you would see on any air fryer. Uniqueness and innovation clearly isn’t their strong suit!
What they do have is a good range and variety of air fryers. Usually they will have a regular and elite version of their air fryers. They will also have a big and small size, and now seem to be focusing on the air fryer ovens.
In terms of price, they are actually mid ranging to high in terms of price level. Their elite model air fryers are among some of the most expensive around.
But, how’s the quality?
Sadly, I feel that this company’s strategy of using celebrity chefs and TV shopping to ‘make it big’ has worked for them, but has not worked well for the consumer. They are peddling bog standard and actually inferior quality products on new and excitable air fryer users, often at an over inflated price.
This is backed up if you look at the customer feedback on Amazon. Often, their products can barely get 4 star out of 5 reviews on there, with way too many of these reviews detailing poor quality issues. All the usual problems are here, from air fryers randomly stopping working to peeling air fryer baskets.
And to top this all off, there is a pretty pathetic 60 day warranty available, and you have to pay $19.99 to send the product back under warranty. Far from ideal when compared with most other air fryer brands!
So, it goes without saying, I wouldn’t touch this brand with a barge pole. Over hyped, and there are way better alternatives to spend your hard earned money on! It seems like they have even given up on making descriptions for their products on Amazon. This is one of the very few companies with short and text only descriptions. Most have elaborate graphics and pictures showing all the features etc.
The ONLY time I may consider Power Air Fryer is if I was in the market for an air fryer oven. This is because this is a fairly new style of air fryer, and there aren’t as many choices. Other than that, it’s a firm pass from the Air Fryer Bro.
NuWave are the perfect company to write about after Power Air Fryer, as they are similar in many ways. I have seen a lot of new air fryer users asking about this brand within the air fryer communities I am in. They seem to get everywhere!
Who are Nuwave?
This is probably the second most established company on this list after Philips. Reading the official website its a bit confusing whether they were started in 1993 or 1997, but hey ho! They were first known as Hearthware Home Products and later introduced the name NuWave by the time they were making air fryers. They hail from Libertyville Illinois in the Us of A!
Nuwave also sell their air fryers a lot through infomercials and TV shopping channels, although they are not so heavy on the celebrity endorsements. In fact, they were warned against by the Better Business Bureau for some undesirable activities based around their infomercials tactics in 2014. It would appear they were, among other things, charging high postage charges! Not a great start!
What should you expect from NuWave Air Fryers?
I could pretty much copy and paste this section from the Power Air Fryer coverage above, they are so similar.
These air fryers are also pretty yawn inducing for me! They have no real unique or innovative features, and actually I really don’t like their design! The only vaguely interesting thing to say is that their air fryers can go down to low temperatures such as 100f, making them a better choice for dehydrating. Yes, they come in an OK variety of models and do have an air fryer oven model to boot. Oh, and they allow temperature adjustments 5 degrees at a time. That’s all folks!
Nuwave are in the mid to high ranging price bracket with their air fryers, so they are not exactly a bargain!
But, how’s the quality?
Again, we are seeing a pattern here with these heavily infomercial promoted air fryer brands. Just go look at any review of any Nuwave air fryer on Amazon and the same story emerges. Way too many tales of low quality and broken air fryers! I don’t think I need to say any more!
At least it has a one year warranty, but you do have to prepay the postage both ways on any returns you make.
This was short but sweet, but another air fryer brand I would avoid like the plague!
That’s all folks!
Well, thanks for reading our roundup of air fryer brands. I hope it helped you decide which brand best suits your air fryer needs! I will try to revisit this article and update it when needed. Especially if any hot new brands enter the market 🙂
Very good write-up. I absolutely appreciate this website.
DO NOT BUY GO WISE. mine started peeling after 2 weeks of using it. I will never buy that brand again. Taking all of this into consideration for my next one tho. Thanks !
Oh dear, sorry for your bad experience with GoWise 🙂 Hopefully you will do better next time 🙂